Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I haven't worked much on photography this summer but I have had some fun editing and fixing some of my photographs. So I thought I would put a few of them up. Also I was going over my schedule in order to graduate and after this fall semester I should only have eight more classes to take!! So that means probably the graduation will be in August. Which means that I have tons to do before next summer. I am planning on taking my GRE in November (eek) and then applying to NYU in February for Museum Studies. In the meantime, I am applying to an internship at the Guggenheim in NY and also a study abroad for Spring/Summer 2012. I am very excited about this study abroad as it will count as an entire semester of ARTH credits. It is the first two-part study abroad for art history at BYU. This spring, they will be going to Italy and Greece to study Ancient Art and Civilizations. Then after five weeks the group will head to London, Vienna, and France for the studying of Modern Art. Sounds amazing! But we shall see how much it costs..
Classes start the 29th so I am using this week (or what's left of it) to get my books and my work/school schedule in order. I am still employed at the MTC, however, I was promoted to Supervisor a couple of months ago. I am also applying to a couple other jobs, one of which is BYU Photo. That's really all that is going on for now, nothing too exciting.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

When I'm baking-which I love to do- I have grown very fond of wearing aprons. Many may not realize the immense importance of such a thin piece of cloth. Aprons shield the chef from billowing clouds of flour that form once the mixer is turned on. They prevent hurtled splatters of various proportions from face planting right upon one's awesome new shirt.The point here is that aprons not only have important protective features, but perhaps more importantly, they just look awesome...and I love them. So I realized that I need an apron of my very own as an incentive to do more cooking and baking while I'm away from home. Thus, the quest to make the perfect, most suitable apron began....

It started with several drawings and much research to find a style to fit my needs.

Once I figured out what I was looking for, the next step was to find a pattern. After spending quite some time looking at various apron patterns, and much consideration, the winner was selected.

 Then came the manual labor...locating fabric, and then cutting and pinning said fabric.

Next came some seriously intense sewing... I'm not a huge fan of sewing, I'd rather design clothes and have someone else more experienced sew them for me. But, it's time that I learned at least the basics. And so,  much sewing for hours on end, and a little improve took place.

LAST came the final step-ironing it out and making it look beautiful.

The better half of my face and a close up on the apron and pockets!!! (I like pockets..a lot :)

Et voila!!!! The outcome...and now time to bake!
If you look closely at this picture of me, you might notice that I am wearing earphones. Not only do these pink earphones match my apron, they are attached to my ipod which has its very own secret pocket (on the inside of the bib part of the apron.) This I invented so that I could listen to some jams while cooking. As a result of the pocket being located on the inner part of the bib, it serves to hold my earphone cord in so as not to get in my way whilst I am cooking delicious foods.
I am very pleased with how this apron came out. Thanks to my awesome step-mother Chris, it looks AmAzInG!!! ^_^ If it had just been me, it probably would not have be recognizable...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So I have finally completed and turned in my photography portfolio! Prayers are welcomed haha. :) I will know the verdict four weeks from yesterday eek. Why it takes them a whole month to decide I have no idea. Anywho here they are. Not the best ever but I've also never taken a class or anything.

Monday, April 12, 2010


This is the first post I have added to my blogspot account in a really long time. So I thought I would just write a quick one to shock everyone. Let's see... I'm in my fifth semester at BYU and will commence finals next week. YAY gotta love them finals. Oh and for those who do not know... I am planning to go on a mission. I will be starting my papers this summer as I can turn them in, in September!!!! I'm wayyy stoked. Today I taught the Plan of Salvation to one of my friends and it was awesome! Mostly because he knew all of the answers to every question because he has already served a mission...but still awesome.
Marie and I have found a basement apartment after looking at 31 houses and are kinda finished with getting it ready with all of the painting and such. Marie is there now and I will be moving in after finals so I'm super excited.
I'm still working on my portfolio to apply to the art program for photography in November. So I guess that's basically all that is going on with my life at this point in time.
I will try to write on this more often... :)

Friday, June 27, 2008


So I have just completed my first week of college! All five of my room-mates are completely AWESOME and we have a lot of fun. I am taking a pretty light load this summer term. I am taking two classes, New Testament and Intro. to tap dance. Both are awesome classes! I had my doubts at first about the tap class because it is somewhat difficult, but I am finally catching on and seeing my improvement so now it is very fun for me. :) I haven't really had a chance to meet a lot of people yet and still don't really hang out with people other than my room-mates. But I hope to branch out. There are a ton of people on campus because of efy and all of the other programs that are going on, so it is extra noisy. Good News: I just got a job at the MTC serving food to the missionaries. I am way super excited especially because I could really use the money. School is fun but I really miss all of my family and friends...but i'm not too homesick lol. My room-mate is awesome, her name is Becky and she is from Minnesota. She likes to cook and so in this week we have already made cookies and a four-berry pie. I feel very fortunate that out of the six room-mates in this dorm, we all get along very well. As a result of awesome room-mates, I have also developed a bad habit of staying up until midnight every night. lol.

Friday, March 28, 2008

2 months!!

So I have officially two months of school left..yay. ^_^ However I need to start packing up my room and the things that I will not need for college. Due to the fact that I am a major pack-rat, I am have some difficulties with this. So.... I was wondering if anyone had ideas on what to take and what not to take. It is apparent that I have wayyy too much stuff and could not possibly fit it all in my dorm. But I don't know where to begin packing. So if you have any advice it would be much appreciated. :)